And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink. He will also be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb. And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God. He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, ‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,’ and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”-Luke 1:14-17
The angel Gabriel told Zacharias, a priest, that his wife Elizabeth would have a son. He was to name his son John, meaning, “God is gracious.” What was God’s plan for his life? John had the same vow as a Nazarite, he would drink no wine. He was to be set apart for the work of the Lord.
As John developed in his mother’s womb; he was already filled with the Holy Spirit. His mission was to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. John the Baptist would prepare the way for Jesus Christ so that when He came, the people would be ready to receive Him as their Savior.
In his life, John the Baptist never promoted himself, but proclaimed to the people the Messiah––Jesus Christ. He knew his ministry would decrease as Jesus Christ’s ministry increased. John the Baptist would preach to the Jews who would come to know the Messiah. King Herod would place John in prison. Jesus would speak to the multitudes saying:
“For this is he of whom it is written: ‘Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You.’ Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist…”(Mathew 11:9-10).
Like John the Baptist, how can you be used in preparing people to receive Jesus Christ? May God fill you with His Holy Spirit and use your life to turn many others to the Lord this Christmas.
This Christmas, accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. Give Him the gift that He wants––your heart, your soul, your life.
Reviewed by Ken'Bell Radio

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