PRAY WITH FEAR !!Kene Emmanuel
“Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.” (Isaiah 58:9)
Dear beloved, when we worship the Lord, He will come our way. How do we worship Him? We should worship Him in truth and in spirit. When we worship Him like that, He will come our way and He will be near us. When we call Him ‘Abba Father’ with lots of love, He will immediately listen to us.
The Bible says in Isaiah 58:9 ‘then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I’. Sometimes, when we are facing too many trails, we ask God ‘Lord, do You not have eyes? Or ears?’ without even thinking. But God does not get angry with us for doing so. Instead, He answers us saying ‘Lo, here I am’. According to Romans 8:15, He has given us the right to call Him “Abba Father”.
The Bible says in Psalm 34:18 ‘The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit’. The Lord is a God who will come looking for you. Pour out your heart in His presence.
In the Bible, we read about Esther. She was an orphan and she lived under the protection of her relative Mordecai. Having been chosen by God, she had the blessing to become the queen of king Xerxes. The devil entered a man named Haman in order to wipe out the race of people that Esther belonged to, the Jews; and Haman caused a lot of trouble. Esther did not tell anyone that she was a Jew. The day to destroy the Jews had been decided. She told Mordecai that she could not help in the situation as she knew the law of the land, that if she goes to see the king without being summoned by him, she would be put to death. But her foster father Mordecai replied sternly saying ‘The Lord might have kept you in this position in order to save your people. Only you can do this and you have to.’ She was distraught because she knew she that it was very difficult to see the king without being summoned and she that it would not be easy to free her people from the destruction they were facing. She suddenly had a thought. She said that she and her maids would fast for three days and plead in the presence of the Lord; she asked all the Jews in the country to pray on those days as well. The Lord answered her pleas and she found grace in the eyes of the King. She spoke wisely with the king and saved her people.
Yes my dearly beloved, the Bible says in Malachi 3:16 ‘Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard’. The Bible also says in Isaiah 11:3 that the fear of the Lord is a pleasant fragrance to Him. In order to save her people from destruction, Esther pleaded and prayed to the Lord for three days. And the Lord came down and answered her prayers. When we gather with an oneness of heart and pray to the Lord with fear, He will listen to our prayer and He will perform miracles for us.
Our loving heavenly father,
I thank You for this day. Lord, send Your Holy Spirit to teach and guide me to pray earnestly to You. I have come into Your presence, filled with fear and I ask You to come into our midst. Bless me and my family and deliver us from any trails we may be facing. Let my life be a blessing to others and let them see Your glory through me. I make this prayer in Your matchless name.
Our loving heavenly father,
I thank You for this day. Lord, send Your Holy Spirit to teach and guide me to pray earnestly to You. I have come into Your presence, filled with fear and I ask You to come into our midst. Bless me and my family and deliver us from any trails we may be facing. Let my life be a blessing to others and let them see Your glory through me. I make this prayer in Your matchless name.
My dearly Beloved,
The world is languishing in the darkest
deeds of the Satan and is completely under his sway. The devil who is the ruler
of this world will go to any extent to stop us from praising our awesome God.
Bruised, hurt, and thrown out of heaven, he will leave no stone unturned to
turn our hearts away from our heavenly Father. However, one word, just one word
of praise to the Lord God Jehovah, can unchain you and your life from the leash
that the Satan has put on you.
There are no words to describe who the
Lord is and what He has done for you. The works of the cross and blood of Jesus
has redeemed from you from your sins and delivered you from the devil. When you
with all our heart, soul, mind and spirit declare your praises to your Creator,
His light will chase every demon from your life that has been tormenting you
and dominating your life. But you cannot stop at that. You have to continue
till you see the Satan and his fallen angels tremble and flee from you forever.
Keep on praising, keep on, keep it on! Let His light never dim in you.
The Bible says in Psalm 143:3 “For the
enemy has persecuted my soul; he has crushed my life to the ground; he has made
me dwell in darkness, like those who have long been dead.” The devil works hard
to make us dwell and remain in darkness. Relentless is the word for you, my
beloved; relentlessly praise and glorify the name of Jesus. Discard the burdens
of your everyday life like dust, rise up from your ash heap and declare praises
to the Lord who is worthy of it. Each one of you is God’s special possession,
called to take His wonderful light and words of life to every soul, stuck and
struggling, in the very depths of darkness. So stand together in the name of
Jesus and declare to the whole world that “Our God is an awesome God!”
Remember, You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.
Dear heavenly Father
I thank you and praise for choosing me and
delivering from the very pit of darkness. Cleanse me in Your blood and let Your
light shine in me and through me to rescue those who are still in the clutches
of the devil. Father, You made the heaven with your word and all the heavenly
host with the breath of your mouth. Father, as sing Your praise, breathe your
word on me and heal me, deliver me and transform me completely. Thank you for making
me as Your special possession. Lord, I will sing and continue to sing Your
praises as long as I live. You are awesome and worthy Lord. There is none like
You. All glory to You, O Lord!
In Jesus name
dearly Beloved
How much are we convicted in our hearts when we commit a sin? Are we ready to
confess our sins or deny that we ever made a mistake? However, little do we
realize that our sins follow us wherever we go. Which one is easy for us – to
confess and be free of judgment or lie and be tormented in our spirit and end
up having sleepless nights? The choice is yours. The Lord is offering you His
garment of holiness today; for you to walk into His presence in boldness. He
wants to declare that You are His forever. Here is a testimony which gives an
insight of a man who was tormented by the crime he committed.
Several years ago, a man, who once met my father, narrated his story. He had
reached the shores of Mumbai in search of livelihood. He had one suitcase which
had all his life’s earnings and belongings. However, when he got off the train,
a man came out of nowhere and snatched it away. He chased him and searched for
him frantically but to no avail. Days passed by and finally one day, he found
him and his heart filled with anger for him, he stabbed the thief with a knife.
The blood that gushed out of the man’s stomach brought a great relief to this
man. He left that place and went to another city and prospered in his
profession as a tailor. However, he was tormented every day and his conscience
accused him of being a murderer.
Beloved, how many times have we, by our words and actions, stabbed the hearts
of people whom we don’t even know? We limit ourselves from entering into the
Holy presence of the Lord Almighty by our own lusty thoughts, deeds, words,
transgressions and sins. However, we still have hope as the Lord made a way for
us to unchain ourselves from the strongholds of guilt and torture. In Leviticus
22:32 it says: “I am the Lord, who makes you holy” Jesus came down from heaven
to Earth to redeem us of the consequences of sin-Death. Today the blood of
Jesus is freely available to us to cleanse us from the filth of sin and
eliminate the guilt of rebellion.
My dear ones, when you look into His Holiness and gaze into His loveliness; when
all the things around you become like shadows in His Light and when you have
found the joy of reaching His heart; when your will becomes enthroned in His
love, the one and only reason and purpose of your living will be to worship Him
and Him alone. Let this be your heartbeat till the last breath in your body.
God is searching for such ones to clothe them with His garment of holiness.
Loving heavenly Father, I so want the garment of holiness on me, to see You and
know You. Wash me with the precious blood of Jesus and fill me with Your Holy
Spirit. Let there be an overflow in my life.You are my Lord forever and my
El-Shaddai. Overwhelm me with Your love, Your mercy and grace. Father guide me
and lead me in the paths of righteousness and take way every waywardness in me
by Your grace, that I may stand as a testimony for You wherever I go. You are
more than enough for me Lord. Draw me close to Your side that I may know what
Your will is for me. Here I am Lord. Take me and use me for Your glory. Thank
Your Lord!
In Jesus name,
My dearly Beloved
Despite working hard day in and day out, we often feel we have fallen short of the Lord’s expectations. That is what our performance-based lifestyles dictate to us. We tend to blame it on ourselves. Our minds keep telling us we are failures, full of evil and we are in the state we are because we have sinned and not kept the laws of the Bible. As a result we stop asking God for His miracles believing we are unworthy of His Love.
Beloved, the good news is Jesus loves you any which way. Never ever think He loves the righteous more than the one who says I am the filthiest of the filthy. In fact the righteous are far too stubborn to turn to God and ask for blessings as they believe things will work out automatically for their good when they pray. However, when you who think you are nothing ask the Lord for His help, He will pull you out of the deepest miry clay that you are stuck in by His love and will life you up higher and higher.
What does He expect from you? The Bible in Luke 15:12 talks about a young man who influenced by his worldly friends to take his share of his father’s wealth walked away from his family and home to live a life according to his own fleshly pleasures. The result he squandered all the wealth away and ended up with nothing. He was thrown in with the pigs finally. However when the prodigal son came to himself, he realized his folly and makes up his mind to return home to his father. He asks for the heavenly Father’s forgiveness before proceeding home to seek his earthly father’s forgiveness. When he returns home, a royal welcome awaits him and his father adorns him with a royal robe of honor and majesty with a royal ring on his finger. Jesus also prayed every morning to know the will of the father and no wicked man could touch Him and miracles, signs and wonders followed Him everywhere he went.
Romans 1:30 speaks of:”…. slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents.” God ranks disobedient children and people of whatever age they may be in the same category as in the above verse. God defines their end as in Romans 1:28 and gives them over to a cheap and debased mind. The result, one is unable to function and disaster and destruction wrecks one’s life. However, when you return to Him and ask for His forgiveness, He will clothe you with honor and wisdom. He will put sandals on your bare feet and change your life from that of slavery to authority that every son and daughter of the Lord enjoys. Jesus waits for you to come back. Get back with Him, not for His wealth but for His will concerning you to become a blessing. He has only good things in store for you. You will be honored and given great authority to prosper.
Loving heavenly Father, I come to You with all my disobedience and ask You to forgive me and cleanse me of all my sins with the precious blood of Jesus. Father, I have lived a wayward life, displeasing You and hurting You. I return to You my Lord and surrender myself to You completely. Change me and make me Your servant. Lord I am so blessed to be loved by You, fill me with Your love that my heart is never taken away with the pleasures of this world. Father, bless me with Your peace and wisdom and use me for Your glory. I am Yours forever. Thank You Master!
In Jesus name
SALVATION AT YOUR DOORSTEP!Despite working hard day in and day out, we often feel we have fallen short of the Lord’s expectations. That is what our performance-based lifestyles dictate to us. We tend to blame it on ourselves. Our minds keep telling us we are failures, full of evil and we are in the state we are because we have sinned and not kept the laws of the Bible. As a result we stop asking God for His miracles believing we are unworthy of His Love.
Beloved, the good news is Jesus loves you any which way. Never ever think He loves the righteous more than the one who says I am the filthiest of the filthy. In fact the righteous are far too stubborn to turn to God and ask for blessings as they believe things will work out automatically for their good when they pray. However, when you who think you are nothing ask the Lord for His help, He will pull you out of the deepest miry clay that you are stuck in by His love and will life you up higher and higher.
What does He expect from you? The Bible in Luke 15:12 talks about a young man who influenced by his worldly friends to take his share of his father’s wealth walked away from his family and home to live a life according to his own fleshly pleasures. The result he squandered all the wealth away and ended up with nothing. He was thrown in with the pigs finally. However when the prodigal son came to himself, he realized his folly and makes up his mind to return home to his father. He asks for the heavenly Father’s forgiveness before proceeding home to seek his earthly father’s forgiveness. When he returns home, a royal welcome awaits him and his father adorns him with a royal robe of honor and majesty with a royal ring on his finger. Jesus also prayed every morning to know the will of the father and no wicked man could touch Him and miracles, signs and wonders followed Him everywhere he went.
Romans 1:30 speaks of:”…. slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents.” God ranks disobedient children and people of whatever age they may be in the same category as in the above verse. God defines their end as in Romans 1:28 and gives them over to a cheap and debased mind. The result, one is unable to function and disaster and destruction wrecks one’s life. However, when you return to Him and ask for His forgiveness, He will clothe you with honor and wisdom. He will put sandals on your bare feet and change your life from that of slavery to authority that every son and daughter of the Lord enjoys. Jesus waits for you to come back. Get back with Him, not for His wealth but for His will concerning you to become a blessing. He has only good things in store for you. You will be honored and given great authority to prosper.
Loving heavenly Father, I come to You with all my disobedience and ask You to forgive me and cleanse me of all my sins with the precious blood of Jesus. Father, I have lived a wayward life, displeasing You and hurting You. I return to You my Lord and surrender myself to You completely. Change me and make me Your servant. Lord I am so blessed to be loved by You, fill me with Your love that my heart is never taken away with the pleasures of this world. Father, bless me with Your peace and wisdom and use me for Your glory. I am Yours forever. Thank You Master!
In Jesus name
My dearly Beloved,
Salvation, what does it mean to you? Most will say, being saved. But there is much more to it than just being saved. It means deliverance from sin and its consequences and being preserved from ruin and loss. However, our focus is always on the goodness that comes along with it. How about turning our eyes to the One who died for our Salvation?
Beloved, the Bible says in Isaiah 12:3 “Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” Let us take a closer look at the Cross of Calvary. The blood that Jesus shed for us on the cross, unleashed a powerful new life to us, devoid of the darkness and torment of Satan and Hades. Today, many testify seeing the cross and the blood of Jesus when they are convicted in their spirits. It is just as alive today as the Lord is and available to all who receive Him.
What does salvation bring into our lives? Joy unspeakable, the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ as it says in 2 Corinthians 4:4, 6. Our once blinded minds are opened to the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. Salvation makes your heart pant after the Lord and your soul to long for Him. He alone becomes your heart’s desire and you long to worship Him. When your life proceeds on this path, the blessings of the Lord overtake you.
Beloved, the joy of salvation is yours for the asking. Open your hearts and receive it.
Loving Heavenly Father, forgive me for taking You for granted. I did not know that you died for me to give me a brand new life. Today, I know how much you value me O Lord. The blood that you shed for me is so precious. I apply that blood by faith on me and my family as I believe in You to wash away the darkest of sins in my life. Father, let the joy of Your salvation enter my home. Fill me and my family with Your Holy Spirit. Help me to seek You all the days of my life. I surrender my life to You completely. Bless me and strengthen me to obey You. Thank You Master!
In Jesus name
Salvation, what does it mean to you? Most will say, being saved. But there is much more to it than just being saved. It means deliverance from sin and its consequences and being preserved from ruin and loss. However, our focus is always on the goodness that comes along with it. How about turning our eyes to the One who died for our Salvation?
Beloved, the Bible says in Isaiah 12:3 “Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” Let us take a closer look at the Cross of Calvary. The blood that Jesus shed for us on the cross, unleashed a powerful new life to us, devoid of the darkness and torment of Satan and Hades. Today, many testify seeing the cross and the blood of Jesus when they are convicted in their spirits. It is just as alive today as the Lord is and available to all who receive Him.
What does salvation bring into our lives? Joy unspeakable, the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ as it says in 2 Corinthians 4:4, 6. Our once blinded minds are opened to the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. Salvation makes your heart pant after the Lord and your soul to long for Him. He alone becomes your heart’s desire and you long to worship Him. When your life proceeds on this path, the blessings of the Lord overtake you.
Beloved, the joy of salvation is yours for the asking. Open your hearts and receive it.
Loving Heavenly Father, forgive me for taking You for granted. I did not know that you died for me to give me a brand new life. Today, I know how much you value me O Lord. The blood that you shed for me is so precious. I apply that blood by faith on me and my family as I believe in You to wash away the darkest of sins in my life. Father, let the joy of Your salvation enter my home. Fill me and my family with Your Holy Spirit. Help me to seek You all the days of my life. I surrender my life to You completely. Bless me and strengthen me to obey You. Thank You Master!
In Jesus name
dearly Beloved,
In this world, everybody's searching for a hero. People need someone to look up
to but never has a person ever found anyone who can fulfill all their needs. It
is quite a lonely place to be in. Only one Man’s love for mankind and His death
on the cross can rightfully claim to fill that void. His name is Jesus.
Many hearts today are crushed and broken by the unloving, hurting, poisonous
words that are thrown at them by parents, spouses, children, mentors, teachers
and even strangers. But the unconditional love and the exhorting word of God
Almighty is the balm that heals and soothes the wounds caused by people. Just
think about it. The one who has lived with you, known you and shared the last
meal with you is going to betray you for a few pieces of silver. Won’t your
heart which trusted and loved that person break into a million pieces?
This exactly what happened to Jesus who celebrated Passover with His twelve
disciples knowing well that after He broke bread with them, He would be
betrayed by one of them. At the Garden of Gethsemane, He was desperate that
someone should pray with Him and for Him as He was so disturbed and in agony
about the ordeal he would have to bear till the time he was nailed to the
cross. He battled every resistance in His flesh, spirit, mind and body all
alone; so great was the struggle that His sweat turned to drops of blood.
Who was He doing it for? For each one of you, beloved. He took it all, being
trampled like a rose on the ground, with love in His eyes and heart for each
one of you as He walked with blood dripping from His battered, broken body to
His death. Do you still want to harden your heart and not let the greatest love
of all save you?
Loving Heavenly Father, I prostrate myself at Your feet and ask You O Lord to
forgive me of all my stubbornness. Father, wash me by the blood of Jesus and
make me new. Today, I realize the value you have for me in Your heart. Let Your
love fill me today Lord. The love that is unfathomable and which says I am
yours forever. Father today I know there is no greater love than Yours for me.
Bless me with Your obedience and grace to walk in Your way. Thank You Lord!
In Jesus name
My dearly Beloved,
WAIT! Simply saying this word stops you in your tracks. What it actually means
is don’t move ahead till you get a signal to do so. The question now is do we
have the patience to wait in this fast-paced world. However, you must realize
the One who created the world is the same yesterday, today, and forever and
when the Lord God Jehovah says wait, we might as well wait, instead of running
ahead of Him.
The Bible says in Nehemiah 8:10 “... the joy of the Lord is your
strength". Did it ever strike you as to what could make our Lord so joyful
that His joy would turn into our strength? When we unite to do the ministry of
God and draw in millions of souls who are lost and seeking for a liberty from
their bondage. We can do the same today. The secret of receiving an outpouring
of the Lord’s strength is pleasing Him in all that we do and placing our
confidence in Him knowing that He fights our battles for us. The result, closed
doors open, miracles, signs and wonders break forth from heaven wherever we go
in the Lord’s name.
Several years ago, when I was still new in the Lord and inexperienced in my
spiritual life, I got an opportunity to share the Word of God at a Jesus Calls Good
News Meeting. I did my part, prayed and went back and sat down on my chair and
continued to pray with my eyes closed. However, while I was praying, when I was
seated, a mother, without my knowledge, had placed her little child next to me
hoping I would place my hands on him and pray, instead, I left the venue with
the elders present there. The parents, who stood afar and watched me, were
upset that I had not prayed for their child. However, after a few moments, the
child rose up and walked towards the mother. I give praise to the Lord that He
touched the child while I had fixed my heart and eyes on Him.
Beloved, remember no physical exercise can renew your spiritual strength but
only when you wait on the Lord will it happen. So trust and obey Him for there
is no way. Obey whatever He wants you to do. Trusting Him with whatever you
cannot do in His way and in His time will unleash His power and strength in you
and turn the impossible into possible.
Loving heavenly Father, forgive me for running ahead of You and losing out on
the plans that You have for me. Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit that I may
do exploits for Your Kingdom and please You in everything that I do. Smile down
on me Lord which will renew my strength to soar higher for You and to bring in
the lost souls. Help me always to hear Your voice and follow Your direction in
my life and endeavors. Father, use me for Your glory. Thank You Master!
In Jesus name
dearly Beloved,
In this world, everybody's searching for a hero. People need someone to look up to but never has a person ever found anyone who can fulfill all their needs. It is quite a lonely place to be in. Only one Man’s love for mankind and His death on the cross can rightfully claim to fill that void. His name is Jesus.
Many hearts today are crushed and broken by the unloving, hurting, poisonous words that are thrown at them by parents, spouses, children, mentors, teachers and even strangers. But the unconditional love and the exhorting word of God Almighty is the balm that heals and soothes the wounds caused by people. Just think about it. The one who has lived with you, known you and shared the last meal with you is going to betray you for a few pieces of silver. Won’t your heart which trusted and loved that person break into a million pieces?
This exactly what happened to Jesus who celebrated Passover with His twelve disciples knowing well that after He broke bread with them, He would be betrayed by one of them. At the Garden of Gethsemane, He was desperate that someone should pray with Him and for Him as He was so disturbed and in agony about the ordeal he would have to bear till the time he was nailed to the cross. He battled every resistance in His flesh, spirit, mind and body all alone; so great was the struggle that His sweat turned to drops of blood.
Who was He doing it for? For each one of you, beloved. He took it all, being trampled like a rose on the ground, with love in His eyes and heart for each one of you as He walked with blood dripping from His battered, broken body to His death. Do you still want to harden your heart and not let the greatest love of all save you?
Loving Heavenly Father, I prostrate myself at Your feet and ask You O Lord to forgive me of all my stubbornness. Father, wash me by the blood of Jesus and make me new. Today, I realize the value you have for me in Your heart. Let Your love fill me today Lord. The love that is unfathomable and which says I am yours forever. Father today I know there is no greater love than Yours for me. Bless me with Your obedience and grace to walk in Your way. Thank You Lord!
In Jesus name
In this world, everybody's searching for a hero. People need someone to look up to but never has a person ever found anyone who can fulfill all their needs. It is quite a lonely place to be in. Only one Man’s love for mankind and His death on the cross can rightfully claim to fill that void. His name is Jesus.
Many hearts today are crushed and broken by the unloving, hurting, poisonous words that are thrown at them by parents, spouses, children, mentors, teachers and even strangers. But the unconditional love and the exhorting word of God Almighty is the balm that heals and soothes the wounds caused by people. Just think about it. The one who has lived with you, known you and shared the last meal with you is going to betray you for a few pieces of silver. Won’t your heart which trusted and loved that person break into a million pieces?
This exactly what happened to Jesus who celebrated Passover with His twelve disciples knowing well that after He broke bread with them, He would be betrayed by one of them. At the Garden of Gethsemane, He was desperate that someone should pray with Him and for Him as He was so disturbed and in agony about the ordeal he would have to bear till the time he was nailed to the cross. He battled every resistance in His flesh, spirit, mind and body all alone; so great was the struggle that His sweat turned to drops of blood.
Who was He doing it for? For each one of you, beloved. He took it all, being trampled like a rose on the ground, with love in His eyes and heart for each one of you as He walked with blood dripping from His battered, broken body to His death. Do you still want to harden your heart and not let the greatest love of all save you?
Loving Heavenly Father, I prostrate myself at Your feet and ask You O Lord to forgive me of all my stubbornness. Father, wash me by the blood of Jesus and make me new. Today, I realize the value you have for me in Your heart. Let Your love fill me today Lord. The love that is unfathomable and which says I am yours forever. Father today I know there is no greater love than Yours for me. Bless me with Your obedience and grace to walk in Your way. Thank You Lord!
In Jesus name
WAIT! Simply saying this word stops you in your tracks. What it actually means is don’t move ahead till you get a signal to do so. The question now is do we have the patience to wait in this fast-paced world. However, you must realize the One who created the world is the same yesterday, today, and forever and when the Lord God Jehovah says wait, we might as well wait, instead of running ahead of Him.
The Bible says in Nehemiah 8:10 “... the joy of the Lord is your strength". Did it ever strike you as to what could make our Lord so joyful that His joy would turn into our strength? When we unite to do the ministry of God and draw in millions of souls who are lost and seeking for a liberty from their bondage. We can do the same today. The secret of receiving an outpouring of the Lord’s strength is pleasing Him in all that we do and placing our confidence in Him knowing that He fights our battles for us. The result, closed doors open, miracles, signs and wonders break forth from heaven wherever we go in the Lord’s name.
Several years ago, when I was still new in the Lord and inexperienced in my spiritual life, I got an opportunity to share the Word of God at a Jesus Calls Good News Meeting. I did my part, prayed and went back and sat down on my chair and continued to pray with my eyes closed. However, while I was praying, when I was seated, a mother, without my knowledge, had placed her little child next to me hoping I would place my hands on him and pray, instead, I left the venue with the elders present there. The parents, who stood afar and watched me, were upset that I had not prayed for their child. However, after a few moments, the child rose up and walked towards the mother. I give praise to the Lord that He touched the child while I had fixed my heart and eyes on Him.
Beloved, remember no physical exercise can renew your spiritual strength but only when you wait on the Lord will it happen. So trust and obey Him for there is no way. Obey whatever He wants you to do. Trusting Him with whatever you cannot do in His way and in His time will unleash His power and strength in you and turn the impossible into possible.
Loving heavenly Father, forgive me for running ahead of You and losing out on the plans that You have for me. Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit that I may do exploits for Your Kingdom and please You in everything that I do. Smile down on me Lord which will renew my strength to soar higher for You and to bring in the lost souls. Help me always to hear Your voice and follow Your direction in my life and endeavors. Father, use me for Your glory. Thank You Master!
In Jesus name
many of us live in fear today? Fear freezes you into a position from where you
are unable to progress towards your God-given destiny. However, there are two
kinds of fear, one from the devil which binds you into a state of hopelessness
and despair; the other from the Lord God Jehovah which sets you free into an
eternal life of holiness, obedience, and glory.
One thing that pleases the Lord greatly is a family that seeks Him diligently. Martha, Mary and Lazarus were completely in love with the Lord Jesus and sought Him with all their hearts. When you do the same, the Lord of salvation will walk into your families too. His Holy Spirit will make His presence known to you. Joy and strength will be yours for the asking.
I Corinthians 13:10 says, “But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.” The disciples were an extremely fearful and insecure lot. They were not bold and courageous and nurtured unwanted thoughts. But look at the divine experience they received in the Bible Chapter of Acts 2 when they received the Holy Spirit. When you have a heart that yearns and hungers for the Lord, He Himself will give you this experience (John 14:16; 15:26; Luke 24:29). The Holy Spirit will empower you to endure the toughest of storms in your life. The devil can never stand against you. He is a defeated one.
In the Bible, we read about a woman called Deborah, a prophetess, who was filled with the glory of God. The Lord will also set your hearts on fire for Him and fill you with His grace to shine for Him as His witnesses, especially, before your families. So, commit your lives to the Lord today. This is what the Bible assures you in Colossians 1:27, “To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
Loving Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, I commit my life to you. Fill me with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and give me the grace and strength to fulfill Your will. Fill me with the Holy Spirit in an immeasurable way. Bless my life in order that my family and I would become witnesses for You. Set our hearts on fire for You that we may arise and shine for You in this world. Let Your kingdom come and will be done, O Lord. Thank You Master!
In the name of Jesus
One thing that pleases the Lord greatly is a family that seeks Him diligently. Martha, Mary and Lazarus were completely in love with the Lord Jesus and sought Him with all their hearts. When you do the same, the Lord of salvation will walk into your families too. His Holy Spirit will make His presence known to you. Joy and strength will be yours for the asking.
I Corinthians 13:10 says, “But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.” The disciples were an extremely fearful and insecure lot. They were not bold and courageous and nurtured unwanted thoughts. But look at the divine experience they received in the Bible Chapter of Acts 2 when they received the Holy Spirit. When you have a heart that yearns and hungers for the Lord, He Himself will give you this experience (John 14:16; 15:26; Luke 24:29). The Holy Spirit will empower you to endure the toughest of storms in your life. The devil can never stand against you. He is a defeated one.
In the Bible, we read about a woman called Deborah, a prophetess, who was filled with the glory of God. The Lord will also set your hearts on fire for Him and fill you with His grace to shine for Him as His witnesses, especially, before your families. So, commit your lives to the Lord today. This is what the Bible assures you in Colossians 1:27, “To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
Loving Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, I commit my life to you. Fill me with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and give me the grace and strength to fulfill Your will. Fill me with the Holy Spirit in an immeasurable way. Bless my life in order that my family and I would become witnesses for You. Set our hearts on fire for You that we may arise and shine for You in this world. Let Your kingdom come and will be done, O Lord. Thank You Master!
In the name of Jesus
My dearly Beloved,
The most lethal and deadly weapon that Satan has already unleashed in these last days is unbelief. He blinds our minds to the truth that is revealed by the Word of God. The deceptive terms used for unbelief in this world- practicality, logic, rational, reasonable, etc., create a blackout in our minds. However, the Word of God cuts the darkness out, and in seeps the light that reveals the truth that the Satan so wants to hide.
Let us meditate on the Bible passage in John 9 which speaks about a blind man receiving his sight. There are three things that come to the fore:
Firstly, Walking in total liberty from sins., the Lord’s will for us is to live in total freedom completely detached and delivered from our sins. You will be a new creation and have a new beginning. Secondly, Complete belief without an ounce of doubt. When Jesus met the blind man, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva and placed the clay on the blind man’s eyes. Then, He said to him, "Go, and wash." The Bible says that the blind man fully believed the words told to him by Jesus and returned home seeing. Thirdly, Testimony. This blind man, after receiving his sight, testifies about it to all the Pharisees who question him about Jesus! His parents did not speak about his miracle fearing the wrath of the Jews; however, this man stood up boldly and declared, "I was blind; but now I see."
God wants to use every situation in our lives as a testimony to others and to show His glory to the world. Faith is restricted and limited till the time we operate in our own knowledge. However, when we have such an unshakable faith in God it blocks out any entry of unbelief. The result is awesome – miracles, heavenly rewards, blessings from the heavenly storehouse. The reverse – unbelief will only invite dejection, anger, frustration etc.
How true is this promise of God, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed!” The Lord God Jehovah has given us everything including the faith that we need. All we have to do is be firm in the faith that we have received. May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Loving Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, let Your light shine in our lives and let Your Word open our hearts and minds to see the truth. You, O Lord, are my way, my life and my truth. Father, wash me in the precious blood of Jesus and remove every sin in my life. Let Your faith increase in me and help me to be rooted in You completely. Increase Your knowledge and understanding in me that I may hold on to the faith that You have instilled in me. Let Your name be glorified through me as I testify of the wondrous miracles in my life done by You. Father, bless me and make me a blessing to others too. Thank You Master!
In Jesus Name
The most lethal and deadly weapon that Satan has already unleashed in these last days is unbelief. He blinds our minds to the truth that is revealed by the Word of God. The deceptive terms used for unbelief in this world- practicality, logic, rational, reasonable, etc., create a blackout in our minds. However, the Word of God cuts the darkness out, and in seeps the light that reveals the truth that the Satan so wants to hide.
Let us meditate on the Bible passage in John 9 which speaks about a blind man receiving his sight. There are three things that come to the fore:
Firstly, Walking in total liberty from sins., the Lord’s will for us is to live in total freedom completely detached and delivered from our sins. You will be a new creation and have a new beginning. Secondly, Complete belief without an ounce of doubt. When Jesus met the blind man, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva and placed the clay on the blind man’s eyes. Then, He said to him, "Go, and wash." The Bible says that the blind man fully believed the words told to him by Jesus and returned home seeing. Thirdly, Testimony. This blind man, after receiving his sight, testifies about it to all the Pharisees who question him about Jesus! His parents did not speak about his miracle fearing the wrath of the Jews; however, this man stood up boldly and declared, "I was blind; but now I see."
God wants to use every situation in our lives as a testimony to others and to show His glory to the world. Faith is restricted and limited till the time we operate in our own knowledge. However, when we have such an unshakable faith in God it blocks out any entry of unbelief. The result is awesome – miracles, heavenly rewards, blessings from the heavenly storehouse. The reverse – unbelief will only invite dejection, anger, frustration etc.
How true is this promise of God, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed!” The Lord God Jehovah has given us everything including the faith that we need. All we have to do is be firm in the faith that we have received. May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Loving Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, let Your light shine in our lives and let Your Word open our hearts and minds to see the truth. You, O Lord, are my way, my life and my truth. Father, wash me in the precious blood of Jesus and remove every sin in my life. Let Your faith increase in me and help me to be rooted in You completely. Increase Your knowledge and understanding in me that I may hold on to the faith that You have instilled in me. Let Your name be glorified through me as I testify of the wondrous miracles in my life done by You. Father, bless me and make me a blessing to others too. Thank You Master!
In Jesus Name
The Journey Toward Unselfishness
. . . I die daily [I face death every day and die to self].
- 1 Corinthians 15:31
- 1 Corinthians 15:31
Selfishness is not learned behavior; we are born with it. The Bible refers to it as "sin nature." Adam and Eve sinned against God by doing what He told them not to do, and the sin principle they established was forever passed to every person who would ever be born. God sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins, and to deliver us from them. He came to undo what Adam did.
When we accept Jesus as our Savior, He comes to live in our spirit, and if we allow that renewed part of us to rule our decisions, we can overcome the sin nature in our flesh. It doesn't go away, but the greater One Who lives in us helps us overcome it daily (see Gal. 5:16). That does not mean that we never sin, but we can improve and make progress throughout our lives.
I certainly cannot say I have overcome selfishness entirely—none of us can on this side of eternity. But that doesn't mean we don't do everything we can to grow closer to God and die to our selfishness. We can have hope of improving daily. I am on a journey and, although I may not arrive, I have determined that when Jesus comes to take me home He will find me pressing toward this goal (see Phil. 3:12–13).
The apostle Paul made the following statement: . . . It is no longer I who live, but Christ (the Messiah) lives in me (Gal. 2:20). Paul meant that he was no longer living for himself and his own will, but for God and His will. I was greatly encouraged when I discovered through study that Paul made this statement approximately twenty years after his conversion. Learning to live unselfishly was a journey for him, just as it is for everyone else. Paul also said, . . . I die daily . . . (1 Cor. 15:31). In other words, putting others first was a daily battle and required daily decisions. Each of us must decide how we will live and what we will live for; and there is no better time to do so than right now.
Trust in Him Are you pressing toward the goal of living for God rather than yourself? Dying to yourself is a process that you can improve daily. Trust God to give you the strength to die to yourself daily.
My dearly Beloved,
The world today is so deceptive that we fall prey to the distractions it offers us, knowingly or unknowingly. Success to us means a life of riches and luxury. Many of us chase success and try everything under the sun to please our superiors in the office to climb the ladder of success. However, the truth is success should follow us not the other way round. The secret to this is to seek Jesus till you find Him. Let us see in the Bible what Jesus says about it.
In Luke 10:42, Jesus says “Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” This is the story of two sisters, Mary and Martha. They both loved the Lord very much. However their approach towards pleasing Him was poles apart. Martha invited the Lord and struggled in her own strength to prepare the best of cuisine for Him; while, Mary chose to sit at the Lord’s feet and hear His word. Who did the Lord appreciate? Definitely, Mary, as she chose to be with the Lord.
Jesus says in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” When you allow this light into your life, the Lord’s very presence would remove all the darkness in it and make you shine (II Corinthians 4:4; 4:6). Your prayers will reach the throne of the Lord, and He will grant you, your heart’s desire. Even your enemies will be at peace with you. I say this from my own experience when I was rejected by my family for accepting the Lord Jesus as my Savior. However, undeterred and determined, my husband and I fasted and prayed for my family’s salvation. The Lord of salvation walked into my family and saved them. The Lord rewarded me by honoring me greatly.
Beloved, today, ask yourself this question? Do I have a close communion with the Lord or am I seeking the pleasures of this world? Am I a God-pleaser or people-pleaser? If you want to walk the path of success and peace, choose to have a close fellowship with the Lord. Seek him with all your heart, soul, spirit, mind and body till you find Him. Once you do, His ways will be your ways, His thoughts yours and prosperity will come searching for you. Confess all your shortcomings today and chose to walk closely walk with Jesus. Live a life pleasing to Him and the Lord will walk into your family too and save them.
Loving Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, this day onward I choose to have a closer walk with You like Mary. Forgive me for walking in the ways of the world thus so far. Forgive me for trusting on my own strength. Lord, I realize I am nothing without You. As I take a closer walk with You, help me to find You. I want to live a life pleasing to You and You alone all the days of my life. I need Your help O Lord. Father, walk into my family too and let Your salvation be theirs also. Thank You Master!
In Jesus Name
The world today is so deceptive that we fall prey to the distractions it offers us, knowingly or unknowingly. Success to us means a life of riches and luxury. Many of us chase success and try everything under the sun to please our superiors in the office to climb the ladder of success. However, the truth is success should follow us not the other way round. The secret to this is to seek Jesus till you find Him. Let us see in the Bible what Jesus says about it.
In Luke 10:42, Jesus says “Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” This is the story of two sisters, Mary and Martha. They both loved the Lord very much. However their approach towards pleasing Him was poles apart. Martha invited the Lord and struggled in her own strength to prepare the best of cuisine for Him; while, Mary chose to sit at the Lord’s feet and hear His word. Who did the Lord appreciate? Definitely, Mary, as she chose to be with the Lord.
Jesus says in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” When you allow this light into your life, the Lord’s very presence would remove all the darkness in it and make you shine (II Corinthians 4:4; 4:6). Your prayers will reach the throne of the Lord, and He will grant you, your heart’s desire. Even your enemies will be at peace with you. I say this from my own experience when I was rejected by my family for accepting the Lord Jesus as my Savior. However, undeterred and determined, my husband and I fasted and prayed for my family’s salvation. The Lord of salvation walked into my family and saved them. The Lord rewarded me by honoring me greatly.
Beloved, today, ask yourself this question? Do I have a close communion with the Lord or am I seeking the pleasures of this world? Am I a God-pleaser or people-pleaser? If you want to walk the path of success and peace, choose to have a close fellowship with the Lord. Seek him with all your heart, soul, spirit, mind and body till you find Him. Once you do, His ways will be your ways, His thoughts yours and prosperity will come searching for you. Confess all your shortcomings today and chose to walk closely walk with Jesus. Live a life pleasing to Him and the Lord will walk into your family too and save them.
Loving Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, this day onward I choose to have a closer walk with You like Mary. Forgive me for walking in the ways of the world thus so far. Forgive me for trusting on my own strength. Lord, I realize I am nothing without You. As I take a closer walk with You, help me to find You. I want to live a life pleasing to You and You alone all the days of my life. I need Your help O Lord. Father, walk into my family too and let Your salvation be theirs also. Thank You Master!
In Jesus Name