INTRODUCTION: A pitiful person, named Bartimaeus is sitting by the highway begging. His blindness is a pity, and his having to beg is a greater pity. Yet, through the great providence of God, Bartimaeus is soon to be healed of his malady, and will then become a follower of Jesus.
Mark 10:46-52 New International Version (NIV)
Matthew Henry said that Bartimaeus was a blind man who was the son of a blindman. Thus, God is giving us a wonderful type of a Spiritually blind person being healed, or saved by God’s wonderful grace. John Newton understood the meaning of this truth, when he said, “I once was blind, but now can see” when he penned the words to “Amazing Grace”.
There are some necessary ingredients to ones salvation that will be called attention to in this great miracle story. May we be helped as we consider, THE HEALING OF A BEGGAR.
A. Consider The Hardness Of His Condition.
There were many hardships associated with one being blind. Every activity that Bartimaeus performed was to be done with greater difficult than one who is capable of seeing. With his blindness being a type of the sinner’s heart, one can easily compare the blind man to the sinner. The way of the transgressor is hard; the Word of God tells us this. Everything that takes place as a result of the sin curse becomes more of a burden with the passing of time. What may start out as a pleasurable sin will soon turn into a heavy burden.
As the song says, “Burdens are lifted at Calvary”.
B. Consider The Heartbreak Of His Condition
Being reduced to nothing more than a beggar must have been awfully heartbreaking. This condition also pictures the sinner in his depravity. He is emotionally and spiritually drained like a person who has been beaten down, and left in that pitiful state. Isaiah described this condition in Isaiah 1:5-6 Why should ye be stricken any more? Ye will revolt more and more; the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.
C. Consider The Hopelessness Of His Condition
Bartimaeus, humanly speaking had been reduced to the place of hopelessness, apart from a miracle. Day in, and day out he had to cope with every aspect of blindness. He would wake up with the same plaguing thought, “Another day of the same old thing. Wonder if anyone will recognize my pitiful plight, and offer any encouragement?” Little did he know that Jesus was going to pass by where he was that day. There are those about us who have been victimized by their own additions. They are unable to go a day without drinking their liquor or taking their dope. You may be in this service tonight wondering like the blind man, “Is there any Hope?” I must tell you; there is Hope!
Romans 3:16,17 describes the hopelessness that so many feel. Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known:
The crying or the begging of Bartimaeus was attributed to his condition. When a person is helpless as Bartimaeus was, he would gladly beg to receive those things necessary to his existence. As lost sinners, we must come to that place that we are beggarly poor, being very much aware of our dismal plight. As I remember one person saying years ago, “You have to get a person lost before you can get them saved”. By that, the person must be convinced that he is indeed lost.
A. There Was A Perception Involving His Crying. (V. 47).
Bartimaeus could not see Jesus, but he heard that it was Jesus. Bartimaeus obviously had heard about the blind man who had been blind since birth being healed, and wished the same for himself. Can you but imagine the thrill of thinking that Jesus would do the same for him. This blind man illustrates that, “Faith cometh by hearing…”
B. There Was A Persistence Involving His Crying. (V. 48).
No one could stop Bartimaeus from crying out. This reminds me of a person getting under conviction. When a person is convinced of his desperate condition, and is convinced that there is someone there for him, he will gladly come to the source of divine healing.
Isaiah 55:1-7 teaches this truth: PLEASE TURN THERE.
This passage of Scripture demonstrates the sinners attitude when under conviction.
The text shows that Blind Bartimaeus believed that Jesus was able to heal him. We see both a demonstration of this kind of faith, and a confirmation of this kind of faith.
A. A Demonstration Of His Faith. (Vv. 49-51).
As Bartimaeus cried for mercy, there were those who had no pity for him, and told him to keep quiet. But Jesus did not have that attitude. Jesus “stood still” and called for him. Bartimaeus responded by casting off his garment. Different commentators have different explanations of why he cast off the garment. We may never know this side of heaven, but let me give you the best explanation that I have heard. Just as a blind man today is identified by either his “seeing eye dog”’ or his white and red tip cane, this man may have been identified by his garment. When Jesus called him, he slung it off as though to say, “I won’t need this anymore”. When God saved my daddy, he told me, “Son, I won’t need my liquor bottle anymore”. Praise God, he didn’t either.
B. A Confirmation Of His Faith. (V. 52)
Jesus told him that “thy faith hath made thee whole”. It was the Word of Jesus that assured him. Likewise, we get our assurance as believers from the Word of God.
Today's Message: The Healing Of The Blind Beggar
Reviewed by Ken'Bell Radio

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