TODAY'S WORD- God’s Anointed

Prophet Isaiah in this particular chapter speaks a word of comfort and encouragement to those who fear the Lord and keep His commandments. It was the will of God that He should be anointed with the Holy Spirit to be a model for us (Acts 10:38). Nowadays, people who are caught up in various struggles and problems ask, “Is there no one who will pray to God and set me free from my tribulations?” Therefore, offer yourself and pray, “I surrender myself to God to receive the anointing like Jesus and abide in God to help such people to receive light in their lives.” When you receive that full strength, you will be transformed into a vessel of consolation to help others. Your words will bring healing to people around you, and they will witness God’s presence in your life.

When I lost my only daughter in the year 1986, my tears became my food. At that time, the Lord spoke to me and asked me to pray and console people, especially women, by starting the ‘Esther Prayer Group.’ He also strengthened me by the power of the Holy Spirit. Today, God has also given the power and strength to thousands of women with the same commitment to offer their lives like me and to rise and pray through this group - for women who live in tears. Through them, the Lord is giving miraculous deliverance in the personal and family lives of women granting many blessings to them. The reason is that they seek the Lord, hold fast to Him, receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit and stand rooted in Him firmly!

When you are faithful in obeying His commandments, God will anoint you with His Holy Spirit. You will enjoy divine favor and protection. Your life will be a blessing to many around you. What you speak, and act will bring comfort to people. Many will be drawn closer to God’s love through you. The Lord stretches forth His hand today and asks you, “Will you receive My anointing and offer yourself to pray for My people like this and become a vessel of consolation?”
Loving Father! I offer my life to You. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me do good like You. By Your power, draw me nearer to You, to abide in You and to do the good work of delivering those who are oppressed by the devil and are in bondage. 

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

Stella dhinakaran

God’s Anointed

Sis. Stella Dhinakaran
TODAY'S WORD- God’s Anointed TODAY'S WORD- God’s Anointed Reviewed by Ken'Bell Radio on 07:37 Rating: 5

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