The First man, Adam and the first woman, Eve became slaves to the maneuvers of the devil, committed sin and fell apart from the grace of the Lord. Then the Lord appeared in the Garden of Eden, saw the wicked devil which deceived them and said, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel” (Genesis 3:15).
Satan deceives us and pulls us in to sin. When we fall prey to sin, and commit sin and are filled with the lust of sin we fall short of the glory of the Lord (Romans 3:23). As the wages of sin, which is death, fills man, he will lose his peace and be caught in darkness, evil, failures, deception of the devil and the fury of the devil (Romans 6:23).
The Israelites were slaves in Egypt. They were forced to cut bricks. They were not given the main ingredients to make the bricks. They were asked to work to construct the cities for Pharaoh. The Lord heard their groaning. The day of deliverance came. The word of the Lord came through Moses (Acts 7:34). The Egyptians lost their firstborns. The son of Pharaoh was also killed. There was a loud wailing in Egypt (Exodus 12: 29-30). Their farm lands, water and even their livestock were destroyed. Pharaoh summoned, “Up! Leave my people, you and the Israelites! Go, where you wish to go” (Exodus 12:31 – 33).
The deliverance comes from the precious blood of Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit. Today, the Lord will redeem you and deliver you. You will no more experience anxieties and helplessness in your lives. He will fill you with the Spirit that brings deliverance. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, this year the Lord will pour out the Spirit on all people (Acts 2:17). This is the ‘Year of Deliverance.’ In this year 2019, the Lord will bless you to enjoy His fullness and give you complete deliverance in your soul, in your life, in your social life and in your spiritual life and transform you like Jesus.
Loving God, make me your child and may I experience your power of deliverance, this year, 2019. I pray that all the evil bondages fall in my life, in the lives of my family members, in my society and at all the levels of the nation. Let the blood of Jesus Christ wipe all the sin and cleanse me. I thank you for you are going to bless me with all the blessings and that your name is going to be glorified through me.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen
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