Countless Blessings

Abraham searched the Lord with all his heart. God saw his faith and when Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I will change your name from Abram to Abraham because I am making you the father of many nations” (Genesis 17:5). Abraham was alone when God called him but after God blessed him, he became a great family with many descendants. God honored Abraham as Jesus was born in Abraham's lineage. 

Several years ago, in 1983,the Lord commanded my father to build the first Prayer Tower in Chennai. We needed Rs 14 lakhs and the donation that our ministry was receiving then, was just Rs 3 lakh annually. This was a big challenge for us. So my father, as led by the Lord, called for people to donate Rs 100/- every month. One sister came and brought Rs. 6000/- and she said "Brother I took a loan to build the house for myself, the loan was Rs. 60,000/- but before I could use that money to build my house, I have brought one tenth of the loan money to build God's house ”. My father refused and said “how will you repay it?” She replied "If I will make God a debtor, God will build my house with interest". Today my friends, God has blessed her. God has given her not only one house but two houses in Chennai and God also blessed her son who works in USA as a software engineer. He owns a house in America,too. She is no more a debtor. She has three houses now. What a great God! 

When you seek God sincerely, He will appear before you. The Bible says, "The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth”(Psalm 145:18). God will multiply and give you a great name. You will be lifted up in society and will be placed in position of authority, power and honor. Your children will have a great name. Your grand children will be honored, and will witness multiplication of blessing. This is the increase God is going to give you. So, never lose hope but trust the Lord at all times. God who is faithful will surely provide for all your needs and will bless you richly!
Loving Father, I thank you for Your unfailing promises. You are a merciful father and I come before you with all my shortcomings. Lord, meet all my needs and bless me as you blessed Abraham. May I stand as a testimony to Your name.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Countless Blessings Countless Blessings Reviewed by Ken'Bell Radio on 07:15 Rating: 5
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