Grace To Enjoy The Fruit Of Your Labor

God promises to bless the work of your hands (Psalm 90:17). You may be working hard and earning well, yet you are not able to save as per your desire. Though you are wise enough to spend your money yet you experience some wasteful expenditures. Today, God promises to put an end to the unwanted expenditures and wants to bless you so that you enjoy the fruits of your labor. This is God's plan for you and unless the Lord builds the house, it will be vain for the person who builds it. Building a house is not just a physical house but it symbolizes that your body is the house of God. God is waiting that you would build a house for Him in your heart and when you build a home for God in your heart, you will enjoy your own life. The Lord will stand by your side and He will prosper everything for you.

When you trust the Lord and are faithful in obeying His statutes then God will work a miracle for you. What are the miracles the Lord will do for those who lead a holy life? Firstly He will build you a home as God says in the bible as “I cleanse you from all your sins, I will resettle your towns, and the ruins will be rebuilt” (Ezekiel 36:33). God will offer a life without any debts and losses according to His promise. This is the blessing that God will give you as you and your family keep yourselves holy.

The next blessing that God gives in your family; all your prayers will be answered by God, as He says “before they call I will answer while they are still speaking I will hear and now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers” (Isaiah 65:24).

The Lord promises to be with you all the time and He will build your family, bless you with health, prosperity for generation after generation. You have to follow His statutes faithfully and be anxious for nothing. God, who is a faithful God will fulfill His unfailing promises in your life. There will be no lack in your family but abundance in Jesus’ name. You will eat the fruit of your hands.
Loving God, I thank you for all Your goodness in my life. Help me to lean on You under all circumstances and never to swerve from Your Word. I seek Your blessings in the work of my hands and Your grace to enjoy the fruit of my labor.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen
Grace To Enjoy The Fruit Of Your Labor Grace To Enjoy The Fruit Of Your Labor Reviewed by Ken'Bell Radio on 11:37 Rating: 5
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