“walk in love as Christ also has loved us.” Ephesians 5:2
Dearly beloved,
The Lord by His immeasurable love, grace and mercy, has washed our sins, iniquities and transgressions through His blood and has cleansed us, and through this He imparts in us a holy life. “Holiness in love” is the most important aspect of a life in which Jesus Christ is the Redeemer. God is love. It is because of His love for us that Jesus Christ offered Himself as a living sacrifice on the cross (Ephesians 5:2, Galatians 2:20). This divine and holy love flows out of us into others from the day we receive His divine love.
I know a servant of the Lord. From the day he was filled with the Holy Spirit, the compassion of Christ and the divine love of God started to flow from him into the lives of other people. He had pity on the poor and with the little money he had with him, he supported the servants of the Lord who were in need. He was left with no money even to meet his personal expenses as he extended to support others. If someone was troubled due to sickness, he would be on his knees and pray till that person was healed. When he was promoted to a high post in his office, he enabled many young people to get jobs. In many ways, the love of Christ flowed from him into the lives of others.
Dearly beloved, Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:14 that "For Christ’s love compels us,.." Today, being a spiritual person in Christ, we ought to examine how we approach people who are in need. We need to possess a heart which is willing to share what we have. Christ conveyed to us such love. If you have received the love of Christ, you ought to show such love and compassion to others. We need to love one another as we love ourselves. If you feel that you do not have such love and compassion towards others you need to surrender yourself unto the feet of God and plead God for the compassion of Christ Jesus to abide in you. May God bless you richly!
Dearly beloved,
The Lord by His immeasurable love, grace and mercy, has washed our sins, iniquities and transgressions through His blood and has cleansed us, and through this He imparts in us a holy life. “Holiness in love” is the most important aspect of a life in which Jesus Christ is the Redeemer. God is love. It is because of His love for us that Jesus Christ offered Himself as a living sacrifice on the cross (Ephesians 5:2, Galatians 2:20). This divine and holy love flows out of us into others from the day we receive His divine love.
I know a servant of the Lord. From the day he was filled with the Holy Spirit, the compassion of Christ and the divine love of God started to flow from him into the lives of other people. He had pity on the poor and with the little money he had with him, he supported the servants of the Lord who were in need. He was left with no money even to meet his personal expenses as he extended to support others. If someone was troubled due to sickness, he would be on his knees and pray till that person was healed. When he was promoted to a high post in his office, he enabled many young people to get jobs. In many ways, the love of Christ flowed from him into the lives of others.
Dearly beloved, Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:14 that "For Christ’s love compels us,.." Today, being a spiritual person in Christ, we ought to examine how we approach people who are in need. We need to possess a heart which is willing to share what we have. Christ conveyed to us such love. If you have received the love of Christ, you ought to show such love and compassion to others. We need to love one another as we love ourselves. If you feel that you do not have such love and compassion towards others you need to surrender yourself unto the feet of God and plead God for the compassion of Christ Jesus to abide in you. May God bless you richly!
Loving God!
Fill my life also with Your holy love and make me like you. Transform me into a vessel that reveals Your love to those who come seeking it.
In the precious name of our Lord Jesus I pray, O Father,
Fill my life also with Your holy love and make me like you. Transform me into a vessel that reveals Your love to those who come seeking it.
In the precious name of our Lord Jesus I pray, O Father,
Reviewed by Ken'Bell Radio

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