And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
God knows you have financial needs and will supply your every need. He knows that sometimes it’s hard to pay your bills. He knows it’s hard to sometimes get ahead. He knows what you’re going through and what a challenge it is.
God knows you have financial needs and will supply your every need. He knows that sometimes it’s hard to pay your bills. He knows it’s hard to sometimes get ahead. He knows what you’re going through and what a challenge it is.
He knows but He always has a plan!
Today, I want to help you better understand God’s word because He really wants to meet your needs. God cares about what you are going through, He cares about what you’re lacking, He cares about what you’re suffering, He cares about what you’re going through physically or emotionally or financially, and I want to talk to you about God being your Provider. The Bible says that GOD WILL PROVIDE and my message today is simply that.
You may be thinking I’m not seeing God providing for me, but I want to show you how to experience God’s provisions for your life.
In Philippians the fourth chapter, I want to show you some things that maybe you haven’t thought of. And maybe some things that will refresh you, and maybe some things that will remind you, and stir up your faith for what God wants to do in your life, because we live in a very self-sufficient world.
I think we’ll always be frustrated in our lives when we try to provide everything we need for ourselves. But, we’ll see real peace, and real joy, and real freedom when we learn to trust God as our provider.We often will use Philippians 4:19 to serve for our financial needs. But God doesn’t limit this passage of scripture to just financial needs because many times our needs go beyond what money can do for us.
I want to really break this verse down, so we can understand how God is going to meet our needs. It might be a financial need right now or it could be a need in your family, whatever the need God is going to meet it!
And my God WILL supply ALL your needs according to HIS RICHES in glory in Christ Jesus. — Philippians 4:19
1) It is God’s WILL to supply your needs!
- The Bible here tells us very clearly it is His will to supply your needs, it is His WILL – God WILL Provide – I want you to embrace it. Whatever God’s will is, it’s going to come to pass, it is God’s will to meet your needs.
2) God will supply ALL your needs!
- All means ALL. He will supply ALL your needs but not all your greed. That does not mean you can be wasteful. You may need to be a better steward of what you have. He will supply not just enough for you to live on but enough for others too when you are faithful.
3) God will supply according to HIS RICHES!
- He doesn’t meet your needs based on your goodness, holiness, perfection, godliness, but according to HIS RICHES. He is so holy that He will keep His promise.
So, there are a couple things that we need to do in order to access God’s provisions. First is identify what your need is. What is my need? I need a job that takes care of my family. I need a soul mate. I need a husband. I need a wife. I need a spouse. I need to be a kinder person. I need to be a better parent. Identify the specific need.
Then number two, ask your heavenly Father for that thing, whatever it is, ask Him for it. Mathew 6:32 says, “God knows what you need before you ask.” And He said in Mathew 7:7, “Ask and it shall be given…” So, go ahead and ask. Then thank Him for it. I receive it in Jesus’ name. Be thankful. You see, gratitude is the greatest form of faith. Faith doesn’t say, Lord, can you? Lord, will you? Faith says Lord thank You. When you ask God for something, Mark 11:24 says, “All things for which you pray and ask, believe you have received them”.
It’s real important. He doesn’t say—believe you will receive them. He says believe you have received them. Believe that you’ve received them, right now! And then you will have them. You say–how can I believe that I received them, when I don’t even see them! Because that’s what faith does! Faith believes it has received. Then be a good steward of what you currently have. This is how God supplies our needs. Take care of God’s needs and He’ll take care of yours. You reap what you sow. My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. This is the heart of the Gospel. This is the heart of spreading the Gospel–that as we take care of God’s Kingdom and God’s needs, He will take care of our needs.
But, what does God need?
- Souls to be saved.
- His message to get out to the world.
- The Gospel to spread.
- His churches to grow.
- His Kingdom to advance.
- The message of salvation to be preached.
- His Love to cover the earth.
- His grace to be abounding.
- His glory and the message of His cross to spread the world like wildfire.
- Broken people to be healed.
- Sick people to recover.
Let’s give into God’s needs and watch Him give back into ours.
No matter what need you may be facing right now, be of good cheer because GOD WILL PROVIDE. In appreciation of your support of making our ministry possible and helping me be able to share the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world, I would like to bless you with my God Will Provide 4-CD Series. This powerful teaching will build your faith and expectation to receive God’s provision and blessing to meet every need you may have, God wants to meet all your needs financial, physical, emotional, relational and spiritual.
Reviewed by Ken'Bell Radio

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