Only Jesus can satisfy our souls. All God’s promises are not only for this present life, but for eternity and the redeemed people will enjoy the richness of God. You and I, have been redeemed by the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, let us approach His throne of grace with confidence (Hebrews 4:16) as we are His children. Believe that our Lord would drive away all your troubles and temptations, and bring His goodness and abundance into your life. That’s the Lord’s promise to you. Our loving Lord tells Martha, “If you would believe you would see the glory of God” (John 11:40). The Lord Jesus Christ gives the same assurance to you. Believe that the power of His glory will change your circumstances. Then, praise Him; thank Him for you are sure to see miracles happening in your life.
Once, a trader was disheartened to see only losses in his business, at the end of the year. Then one day, he happened to read the Lord’s promise in the verse quoted above. He started to trust it with all his heart and began to pray with thanksgiving. As he went on praising and praying, a new hope took control of his heart. To his great joy, he also saw that his business had started to flourish slowly but steadily. As his faith grew, he began to offer a tenth of his income willingly and gladly to the Lord. As days went by, he earned more than what he expected. And there was abundance in his business as well as in his soul.
Likewise the loving Lord is sure to crown your life with His goodness and give you increase, as the psalmist says “You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance” (Psalm 65:11). Believe it and you shall also be blessed by the power of God Almighty. Thank the Lord for His steadfast love towards you and your family, that He bestowed this year. Keep trusting the Lord and keep hoping in His promises for the New Year, 2019.
Heavenly Father! In this life on earth, as I step into the first day of this year, please take control of my life for I only trust You. Take away all the worries and the tears in my life. Hold my hand and lead me in good and righteous ways.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen
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