Jesus Our Great Physician

You may be crying before the Lord, to heal you of all that you have to suffer. God promises to heal you, His children both in body and soul. In body- by preserving you from diseases and by curing when afflicted with it. In Soul- by pardoning your iniquities. Today, the Lord will heal you and will deliver you out of all your problems. How good our Lord is!
One sister, was watching our Jesus Calls TV programs. She was having a terrible back ache for a long time and everyday, without fail, she used to watch these programs. Very diligently she will write down all the verses in her diary and would claim each and every verse. In one of our TV program, I said this verse 'The Lord is the one who heals you'. As she was watching it, she believed that word of God and during the prayer she recited it. The Lord touched her and she was totally healed of her back pain. Later she wrote a letter to me, sharing the miracle she received from God. I joined her, in praising our loving God.
God will work a miracle for you too. The sickness and the pain that you are suffering from, God will heal you, right now. You just have to believe. In the Bible we read about Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead. When Lazarus was dead and was laid in the cave, his sisters were mourning for their brother’s loss. But before performing the miracle, this is what Jesus told them “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” (John 11:40). Yes! You too have to believe to receive the miracle in your life. We read in the book of Hebrew “And without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Come to Him with faith and believe in His promises. God delights in answering the prayer of His children, as you pour out you petition to Him; He will answer you.
Merciful Father, I come before you and seek healing both in my body and soul. Heal me, Lord and deliver me from all my problems. Grant me Your grace to walk in obedience to Your commands. I believe in Your promises and claim it over my life. May Your promises be fulfilled in my life.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen
Jesus Our Great Physician Jesus Our Great Physician  Reviewed by Ken'Bell Radio on 04:35 Rating: 5

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